Japan to Partially Legalize Ride-Sharing in April 2024

The Japanese government has announced that it will partially legalize ride-sharing in April 2024. The decision follows years of debate and lobbying by ride-sharing companies and advocates, who argue that ride-sharing can help to address the country’s chronic taxi shortage.

The ride-sharing that will be legalized in Japan is a “Japanese-style ride-sharing” that will be managed by taxi companies. Taxi company-affiliated drivers will be able to use their personal vehicles to transport passengers for a fee.

The areas where ride-sharing will be allowed are limited to areas where taxis are in short supply, such as:

  • Tourist destinations and busy areas
  • Nighttime and early morning hours
  • Areas with few taxis or islands

The conditions for ride-sharing are as follows:

  • Drivers must be affiliated with a taxi company and hold a taxi driver’s license.
  • Vehicles must meet the same safety standards as taxis.
  • Operations must be carried out through apps or systems managed by taxi companies.

The legalization of ride-sharing is expected to help to address the taxi shortage, revitalize transportation in rural areas, and provide more transportation options for people. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as opposition from the taxi industry and concerns about safety.

The government plans to continue to work on the design of the system and public awareness activities to ensure a smooth implementation.

Specific details of the system will be finalized by the end of the 2023 fiscal year. The government will then begin preparations for the April 2024 launch.

The legalization of ride-sharing is expected to expand transportation options in Japan and make it easier and more convenient to travel.