Motoise Kono Shrine

Kono Shrine

Motoise Kono Shrine (元伊勢籠神社), also known as Kono-jinja, is a Shinto shrine located in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It is considered one of the oldest shrines in the region and is said to be one of the former sites where Amaterasu-omikami, the sun goddess, was enshrined before being moved to Ise Grand Shrine.

The shrine is dedicated to the deities Hikohoakari-no-mikoto and Toyouke-no-omikami. Toyouke-no-omikami is the goddess of food, clothing, and shelter, and is also enshrined at Ise Grand Shrine alongside Amaterasu-omikami.

Motoise Kono Shrine is known for its beautiful architecture, featuring a main hall with a thatched roof and a wooden veranda overlooking a serene pond. The main hall houses the shrine’s primary objects of worship, wooden statues of Hikohoakari-no-mikoto and Toyouke-no-omikami.

One unique aspect of Motoise Kono Shrine is its connection to the Japanese art of tea ceremony. The shrine’s tea house, called the Shinsen-tei, was built in the 17th century and is a popular destination for those interested in traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The tea house is surrounded by a beautiful garden and provides a peaceful and serene setting for tea ceremonies.

The shrine is also famous for its annual festival, the Kono Festival, held on April 24th each year. The festival is a celebration of the deities enshrined at Kono Shrine and features traditional music and dance performances. Another important festival is the Autumn Grand Festival, held on October 15th and 16th, during which the unique “Wabukari Shinji” ritual is performed.

Within the shrine grounds, visitors can also find the Manai Shrine, a sub-shrine dedicated to the deity Wakahirume-no-mikoto, who is believed to protect women and assist with childbirth. The shrine also houses a national treasure, the Tango-no-kuni Fudoki Zankan, an ancient manuscript detailing the history and geography of the Tango region. Visitors can also experience the sacred spring water called “Amano-manai no Mizu,” believed to have the power to purify the mind and body.



HoursMarch to November / 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
December to February / 7:30 AM – 4:30PM
Phone+81 772-27-0006
Address430 Ogaki, Miyazu, Kyoto 629-2242